Event speaker

Debate Are you properly empowered to meet your cybersecurity goals?

Replay the Great Cybersecurity Debate livestream now and get all the expert insights first-hand

Navigating the complexity of cybersecurity

We’re shining a light on the issues you’re facing as a cybersecurity and IT professional, bringing you real-world advice and breaking down the barriers that might be keeping you from feeling fully empowered to anticipate and prevent sophisticated attacks.

There’s no time to lose when it comes to getting ahead of emerging threats. Cybercriminals are looking for ways into your business, but there are some simple ways to stay safe.

Discussion topics


Sunil Choudrie

Sunil Choudrie

Product Marketing Lead

Symantec, Broadcom

Sunil helps organisations understand how Symantec technology can protect their data against insider and external threats. He has worked in the cybersecurity sector for 16 years, working with anti-malware, email security and information security technologies. Before this he worked in chemical safety, engineering consultancy and aviation, sectors that all demand great risk management. He holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Bath and an MBA from Henley Business School.

Ilias Chantzos

Ilias Chantzos

Global Privacy Officer and Head of EMEA Government Affairs at Broadcom

Ilias leads the global privacy program of Broadcom across multiple business units and regions. Chantzos is a member of the Advisory Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency for 5 terms. He is currently serving again for the period 2023-2025. He is also a member of Europol's Cybercrime Centre (EC3) Advisory Board.

Clive Finlay

Clive Finlay

Field CTO, APJ

Symantec, Broadcom

Clive is the cybersecurity Chief Technology Officer for field operations in APJ & EMEA, and head of the Symantec Solution Engineering group in these international markets for Broadcom Software. Clive has over 25 years cyber security experience and is a subject matter expert in information centric security and content-aware Data Loss Prevention.

Doug Goodridge

Doug Goodridge


Williams Racing

Doug joined Williams Racing as IT Director before stepping into the role of Chief Information Officer to look after all IT and Technology related aspects of the team. With nearly three decades of experience working with information technology, he brings a broad mix of both technical and organisational skills to the brand.

Dermot Williams

Dermot Williams

CEO and Co-founder


Dermot is the CEO and co-founder of Threatscape, the cybersecurity experts. Dermot is a frequent speaker on technology topics on TV, radio and at conferences, particularly those related to information security and digital privacy.

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